小书匠从 8.11.9
版本开始,提供 PDF 阅读,批注等功能。用户可以直接在小书匠内阅读 PDF 文档,并进行文字高亮,引用等操作。
阅读 PDF 入口
- 新建一篇文章,将想要阅读的 PDF 文件拖拽到文章内。
2. 点击 PDF 附件,在弹出的浮动窗口里,进行 PDF 阅读,批注。
- 将批注添加到笔记里
- 批注引用
The Home, End, Page up, Page down and all arrow keys can be used to navigate the document. Moreover, the following navigation shortcuts exist:
- Next page: n, j, Space bar (presentation mode only), Enter (presentation mode only) or left click (presentation mode only)
- Previous page: p, k, Shift + Space bar (presentation mode only), Shift + Enter (presentation mode only) or Shift + left click (presentation mode only)
Viewer controls
User interface buttons or ctrl + mouse wheel can be used to change the zooming level, but keyboard shortcuts are also available:
- 放大: ctrl + +, ctrl + =
- 缩小: ctrl + -
- 恢复默认大小: ctrl + 0
- 顺时针旋转: r
- 逆时针旋转: shift + r
- 演示模式: ctrl + alt + p (does not work in IE11)
- Enable the hand tool: h
- Enable the text selection tool: s
- Move focus to the 'go to page' box: ctrl + alt + g
- 查找: ctrl + f
- Find next occurrence of text in the document: ctrl + g
- Find previous occurrence of text in the document: shift + ctrl + g
- Download the document: ctrl + s
- Print the document: ctrl + p
(replace ctrl with meta on some configurations)
Outline sidebar
- Use F4 to toggle the visibility of the sidebar.
- After showing the sidebar, click on the "Show document outline" button to show the document outline (if the PDF file has one).
- Nested outline items can be expanded/collapsed by clicking on the triangles at the left of an item.
- To expand/collapse all items under the selected item, press Shift while clicking on the triangle.
- Double-click on the "Show document outline" button to expand/collapse all outline items.